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Old August 23rd 03, 06:47 PM
Mike Treseler
external usenet poster
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Default Signal within block

Isaac wrote:

I am using 12 same entitites using Component decleration method.

Perhaps you mean a top architecture with 12 instances of some entity.

I am
giving input to 12 entities in such a way that the internal signal's
in each entity has different values from each other at any time. Now
the top vhdl final in which all the component decleration are defined
, I want to use the internal signal's of each block to perform some
calculation. The probelm is that in each of the 12 entities signal has
the same name (as I am using component decleration method to generate
same entity 12 time).

Each instance has a unique label:

my_entity_1 : entity work.my_entity
port map (reset = reset_sig, -- [in]
clk = clk_sig, -- [in]
i = i_1_sig, -- [in]
o = o_1_sig); -- [out]

my_entity_12 : entity work.my_entity
port map (reset = reset_sig, -- [in]
clk = clk_sig, -- [in]
i = i_12_sig, -- [in]
o = o_12_sig); -- [out]

The signal associated with an instance port is whatever
you define it to be in the port map.
I think of this as "wiring up" the instances.
These "wire" signals must be declared between
the IS and BEGIN of the top architecture.
It can be a different signal for each instance if you like.

Is there is any way to access these Signal in VHDL?

These signals are accessible anywhere in the top architecture.

-- Mike Treseler